Research Group: Clinical Research Global Health
Implementing research in global settings
Chronic diseases place a major burden on individuals and challenge thin-stretched health systems in low- and middle income countries. Sustainable, cost-effective approaches to providing high-quality prevention and care are thus urgently needed. Clinical Research Global Health (CRGH) contributes evidence towards better understanding and addressing public health challenges through clinical, epidemiological, and implementation research, including individual- and cluster-randomised controlled trials, cohorts, and scoping or systematic reviews. We focus primarily on communicable and non-communicable chronic conditions in Southern and East Africa; building on our experience and ongoing work in strengthening the HIV care cascade from diagnosis to viral suppression, we are transferring learnings to health service provision for cardiovascular diseases. We partner with non-governmental organisations, healthcare facilities, and Ministries of Health for the implementation and to promote sustainability of our projects.
Prof. Dr. Niklaus Labhardt - Group Lead
Dr. Jennifer Brown - Post-doc
Dr. Lisa Brockhaus - Post-doc
Dr. Anne-Valérie Burgener-Gasser - Post-doc
Dr. Anna Klicpera - Post-doc
Dr. Nadine Tschumi - Post-doc
Dr. Irene Falgas Bague - Senior scientific collaborator
Dr. Giuliana Sanchez - Data manager
Lorena Urda - Data analyst
Steve McCrosky - Project manager
Joana Falcao - PhD student
Felix Gerber - PhD student
Natalie Johnson - PhD student
Thabo Lejone - PhD student
Malebanye Lerotholi - PhD student
Dr. Moshao Makhele - PhD student
Fabian Räber - PhD student
Nikita Sass - PhD student
Andréa Williams - PhD student
Seraina Bally - MD student
Nicolò Spaolonzi - MD student
Iliana Esquivel - Master's student
Mona Kasser - Master's student
Thesar Tahirsylaj - Master's student
Linda Wütrich - Master's student
Hanna Havrylenko - Intern
Dave Basler - IT developer
Jacob Blankenberger - Scientific collaborator
Kevin Kindler - Scientific collaborator