Dr. Jennifer Belus
Group Lead, Global Mental Health
Jenn Belus completed her PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research focuses on developing, testing, and disseminating mental health and behavioral health interventions for vulnerable populations in low-resource settings globally, particularly in Southern Africa.
Peer Education for Gender Inclusion and Substance Use in Southern Africa (PEGISUS)
Testing a couple-based intervention for mental health in Lesotho
Masculinity, HIV disclosure, and HIV care engagement
Pilot-testing a couple-based intervention for women’s ART adherence
Testing a primarily SMS-based intervention to reduce alcohol use in Lesotho
Mental health stigma reduction intervention for community health workers
Community Based Chronic Care Lesotho (ComBaCaL)
Viral Load Triggered ART care in Lesotho (VITAL)
Dolutegravir in Real Life in Lesotho (DO-REAL)
Links: ORCID Publications